Ed Pickop on railway stamps

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Ed Pickop on railway stamps

#1 Post by bill » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:57 pm

Ed Pickop wrote a short article in The Australasian Informer for November 1958, following on
a two page article for July 1958 in the same journal dealing generally with railway stamps for
all six Australian states. He was aware of a 1/9 Diesel railway stamp as the July article says.
(It can't be the 1/9 Garratt as the November article doesn't list a 1/9 Garratt but it exists.)

The November 1958 article is very brief but it does record Diesel types for 1/-, 1/9, 2/-, 4/-
and a 3d Parcel Ticket (now known to have been issued from 1886, not 1902). Earlier writers
missed the Parcel Tickets completely, so it seems.

Neither article has any pictures so you need to check the hardcopy catalogues by Craig et al
or visit Dave's website (ozrevenues.com) for relevant images of these stamps. Page 46 in the
Ingles, Presgrave & Craig catalogue of mainland railway stamps gives an update on Tasmanian
railway stamps so there are three updates on railway stamps to the Craig & Ingles catalogue,
not two as one might think. The latest updates are on Dave's website so far.

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Re: Ed Pickop on railway stamps

#2 Post by admin » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:11 pm

Thank you for the update Bill.


Posts: 271
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: Ed Pickop on railway stamps

#3 Post by bill » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:55 pm

We should not overlook this Bulletin Board for updates on railway stamps,
especially the section headed "Railway Parcel Stamps" for further tidbits
of new information on this topic. We include bus parcel stamps from the
back of the Craig & Ingles catalogue.

Ingles acknowledged the pioneering researches of Ed Pickop and also to a
few Australian collectors of this material and even his parents, who saved
many items that could otherwise have been lost for good. See page 2.

Craig acknowledged various Government sources for their help on revenue
stamps. Is it possible that some of this help might even be useful in regard
to railways stamps, even though Craig left the railway stamps to Ingles? It
is found on page 2 of that catalogue.

There is some information on stamps in the following railways publication:
Manual of Rates and Regulations for Passenger, Parcels, and Goods Traffic.
The 1902 and 1907 editions say what railway stamps were currently in use.
It would be good to locate other editions of this publication in the hope of
finding further information about railway stamps then in use. Dave must
have had access to the 1891 edition for his article in The Courier, No. 56.

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