Early date for Revenue ms cancell

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Early date for Revenue ms cancell

#1 Post by admin » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:30 am

The 1/- imperf Chalon below appears to show the earliest date for a Tas revenue cancel - 30 Sept 1863.
There is however something of a question about it.
The first Stamp Act, 24 Sept 1863 (27 Victoria No 38 ), announced the first October 1863 as the commencement date for payment of stamp duties so it seems slightly unusual that someone would pay stamp duty the day before. The 30th Sept 1863 was a Wednesday according to an online historic calendar.

Perhaps this stamp was not used for Revenue purposes and the date is related to postal use.
It does however look very much like a revenue manuscript cancel.
There are also two small holes under the ms "63" on close inspection which could be pin holes and this would support the use of the stamp for revenue purposes.

Does anyone have a revenue cancel before 1 October 1863 and do you think there is any chance this example is something other than a revenue cancel?
30-Sept-1863.jpg (149.95 KiB) Viewed 7859 times

I have also attached another early date for comparison.
ERD-on-1-shilling17-11-63.jpg (126.13 KiB) Viewed 7859 times

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