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TPS Website revamp

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:30 pm
by admin
Our website has just received a complete overhaul - well over due.
The site has much the same content but much better displayed, easier to find and easier for us to up-date.
It also now displays properly on phones, tablets and other devices.

We have a few new articles and some useful information for Tasmanian collectors to add over the next few weeks
We will be using the site more regularly to provide TPS news for members and other interested parties, so please visit

You are welcome to leave your email address on the site - see the button on the front page, and we will send you emails every now and then when something new and of interest is added.
We are always on the look-out for useful content to add to our site, so if you have any suggestions, or are prepared to write something what would benefit other Tasmanian collectors, please get in touch

Pete (TPS Webmaster)