Old foreign journals

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Old foreign journals

#1 Post by bill » Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:07 pm

This post refers to old foreign journals not often seen in the Antipodes.
In part, it is inspired by my post earlier today in the Revenues section
regarding the alleged 1s on 3d Platypus and the possibility of a report
in "La Bulletin Fiscaliste".

Indeed, it is hoped to locate any reports around 1913 in that journal,
hopefully with help from overseas members of this BB.

David McNamee's bibliography cites several articles in German journals
for the postal stationery section since the Germans kept up an interest
in postal stationery well after Gibbons dropped postal stationery in 1901.
That shows the importance of German journals in recording such things,
even if some of us have to blow the dust off some old dictionaries, just
to cope with "Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal" or "Die Ganzsache" (this
ran in the 1920s and has an article on Tasmanian PTPO wrappers).

The Wikipedia lists a few more foreign journals, such as "L'Echo de la
Timbrologie" and "La Timbre Poste" (published by Moens himself). It
is possible that one might locate early reports of punctured officials
for Tasmania (and mainland States too) in such journals.

Also see a related post in the Philatelic Literature & Resources - Books
section of this BB for Yvert et Tellier catalogues.

This is one good reason for hanging on to our dictionaries!

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