All new members of the TPS Online Forum must read the introductory information and rules before making their first post
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Site Admin
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:54 pm
Location: Hobart, Tasmania


#1 Post by admin » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:12 pm

Dear Tasmanian Philatelic Society Online Forum Member,

There are just a few important pieces of information and rules we would like you to read before using this online forum / bulletin board.


The purpose of the Tasmanian Philatelic Society (TPS) Bulletin Board (TPSBB) is to provide a public on-line forum where all those interested in Tasmanian philately, postal history, postmarks, revenue stamps, postcards and other print ephemera may:
• Share information on these collecting areas with other interested people;
• Post relevant images for others to view and discuss;
• Seek information from others on any of the fields listed above.

The TPS may use the bulletin board to publicise its activities on occasion.
It is intended that over time the TPSBB will become a public source of reference material on all aspects of Tasmanian philately, postal history, postmarks, postcards and print ephemera.

The TPSBB is not intended for use as:
• a market place to buy and sell philatelic material althouhg we do offer a section to place "Want" adds;
• a forum for discussing topics unrelated to the stated collecting fields.


The TPSBB will be moderated by members of the Tasmanian Philatelic Society. Any posting made will be taken as a complete acceptance of the rules for use of the TPSBB and the TPS website.
All users of the Board must:
• treat all other users with respect;
• register under and use their actual name (first name only is OK but inclusion of surname is preferred); i.e. no pseudonyms or “avatars” are acceptable;
• refrain from using abusive, racist or otherwise offensive language. The use of large fonts and writing large tracts in capitals is considered to be shouting and is not acceptable under any circumstances;
• not engage in personal attacks on board members or any other party whatsoever;
• keep to the topic when posting text and images on the board. Personal communication between members should be made using the Personal Message (PM) facility and not via a discussion thread unless the comments are relevant to the topic under discussion and of interest to other users.

TPSBB moderators may remove posts by members who do not abide by the rules. After reasonable warning, TPS moderators may suspend board users who infringe the rules and as a last resort may ban members permanently. In the case where a member is considered to be posting spam or using the board board for similar purposes, TPS may delete the users membership without notice.

We hope you enjoy this Bulletin Board and look forward to your contribution.

The TPS Website Disclaimer applies to the TPSBB.

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