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Wanted:-1d Typographed Pictorials

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:19 am
by rsingle

To assist with a plating study and preparation of a plating guide I am looking for any 1d typo pictorials, multiples would be great but also any singles that you have spare.

I am willing to purchase or offer exchange, I have many unchecked UK machins and quite a few Australian KGV's which have been checked for major flaws but not for shades and minor flaws, many of the 1d's have compartment marks which have not been checked.

If you have multiples you do not want to get rid of perhaps you would be prepared to scan them (at 1200dpi) and put them into a drop box folder for me. I have many unidentified flaws I am trying to ascertain if they are constant and if I can plate them.

Please message me if you can assist, thanks,
