Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

Please post anything about Tasmanian Stamps in this forum
Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#176 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:01 am

Another example of the SPECIMEN forgery on a 1d platypus is posted on eBay by "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia. Other examples of this forgery were posted on eBay under the forger's seller id's of "niftystamps111" of NSW, Australia (see 4 Nov 2023 TPS BB post) and by "seela-64" of QLD, Australia (see 18 Apr 2023 TPS BB post).
SPECIMEN forgery 1d platypus (3).jpg
SPECIMEN forgery 1d platypus (3).jpg (66.75 KiB) Viewed 169376 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#177 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:24 am

More forgeries and damaged stamps are listed on eBay by "moomstamps-24" of QLD, Australia. The group shown below has two forgeries: the 4d cut-to-shape Courier (which is the creation of the NSW forger) and the 1/ Chalon (which is an old-time forgery). The rest of the stamps are genuine, but all are damaged (except possibly the 1/ Keyplate which could be thinned based on the scan of the reverse side of the group [not shown here]). Many of genuine stamps were previously on eBay in a listing by a US seller in July 2023. The 4d Courier forgery appears to be added to make the group more attractive. Of particular interest is the 4d Chalon with Victoria(Huon) postal manuscript of 10/12/60. This stamp was part of the July 2023 eBay sale, but it appears that the forgers immersed the stamp in an effort to remove the pen cancellation. In July, the cancellation was black. Now the cancellation appears dull red which is an indication of tampering. Such a shame since the Victoria(Huon) postal manuscript is scarce. I have highlighted the two different conditions of the Victoria(Huon) postal manuscript from July and the changed version from December.
two forgeries.png
two forgeries.png (659.53 KiB) Viewed 169373 times
Victoria 1860-12-10 (from July 2023).jpg
Victoria 1860-12-10 (from July 2023).jpg (12.57 KiB) Viewed 169373 times
Victoria 1860-12-10 (from Dec 2023).png
Victoria 1860-12-10 (from Dec 2023).png (41.86 KiB) Viewed 169373 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#178 Post by Jerry Weirich » Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:35 am

More forgeries on eBay from "masterxroshi" of Punchbowl, NSW, Australia and "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia. The 4d Courier forgery and the halfpenny lithograph SPECIMEN forgery are listed by "masterxroshi", and the two Chalon forgeries are listed by "bluewonder143". The 2d Chalon forgery was previously listed on eBay by "niftystamps111" of NSW, Australia (see 3 Dec 2023 TPS BB post).
4d Courier forgery 22.png
4d Courier forgery 22.png (222.52 KiB) Viewed 169370 times
halfpenny SPECIMEN forgery 4.png
halfpenny SPECIMEN forgery 4.png (394.37 KiB) Viewed 169370 times
forged Chalons.jpg
forged Chalons.jpg (143.74 KiB) Viewed 169370 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#179 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:08 am

'bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia has posted another forgery on eBay and modified another post of forgeries. The new addition is another SPECIMEN forgery on a halfpenny lithograph pictorial. This creation is posted with two other pictorials to make the lot more attractive to a buyer. The seller also deleted their previous eBay post of two forged Chalons (see TPS BB post of 28 Dec 2023) and reposted just the 4d forgery. These Chalon forgeries could be deceptive for new collectors, so I posted the image again to help educate new readers.
halfpenny SPECIMEN forgery 5.jpg
halfpenny SPECIMEN forgery 5.jpg (119.13 KiB) Viewed 169355 times
4d Chalon forgery 2.jpg
4d Chalon forgery 2.jpg (75.42 KiB) Viewed 169355 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#180 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:02 am

"bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia kicks off the new year with another forgery on eBay of the 1d Courier.
1d Courier forgery 27.jpg
1d Courier forgery 27.jpg (62.01 KiB) Viewed 169339 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#181 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:22 am

Collectors Beware! A new eBay seller id that appears to be associated with the NSW forger: "PioneerStamps" with a location of QLD, Australia. The seller has posted a Specimen forgery on a halfpenny litho pictorial. An interesting note is that the halfpenny litho stamp shown here appears to be the lower stamp of a pair that also had a different forged Specimen overprint added (see TPS BB post of 29 October 2023 from Iohel-0). A visit to the seller's webpage shows a number of forged OS perfins on Commonwealth stamps, two Tasmania REPRINT overprint forgeries similar to what "niftystamps111" of NSW, Australia has posted on eBay, some questionable overprints and surcharges on other colony stamps, and (once again) the damaged 1d electro pictorial being offered as a plate flaw (see TPS BB posts of 5 June 2023 and 16 November 2023). This 1d hoax was previously seen with seller ids of "seela-64" of QLD, Australia and "moomstamps-24" of QLD, Australia. A number of these seller ids are known to be or are associated with the NSW forger, so I believe this new seller id is also part of the forgery gang. Be careful buying anything from these sellers!
Halfpenny Specimen forgery 6.png
Halfpenny Specimen forgery 6.png (396.64 KiB) Viewed 169255 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#182 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:31 am

A £1 Keyplate forgery is listed on eBay by seller "YHStamps2020" with a location of London, UK. In addition, the same seller listed two Chalons that appear to be forgeries. All three items have no watermark. It is possible that the two Chalons are official reprints on card, but they are not described that way and I am not familiar with the color shades shown as being reprinted. Hence my belief they are forgeries. I did visit the seller's website and did find many dubious items, but I do not have the expertise to comments on their status. I recommend all collectors be careful buying anything from this seller.
One Pound Keyplate forgery (no wmk).jpg
One Pound Keyplate forgery (no wmk).jpg (222.04 KiB) Viewed 169218 times
Chalon poss forgeries.jpg
Chalon poss forgeries.jpg (201.37 KiB) Viewed 169218 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#183 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:31 am

More reasons to be concerned about eBay seller "YHStamps2020" of London, UK. Two additional Chalon forgeries are listed on eBay by this seller. In addition, the £1 Keyplate that was previously listed has been relisted (see 10 January 2024 TPS BB post). I continue to recommend that all collectors be careful buying anything from this seller.
Chalon forgeries (2) from UK.jpg
Chalon forgeries (2) from UK.jpg (239.36 KiB) Viewed 162475 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#184 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:36 pm

More forgeries on eBay from seller "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia. The REPRINT overprint and the so-called Chalon stamps are both forgeries. In my TPS BB post of 12 November 2023, I indicated that I was not certain about the REPRINT overprint, but I have done some research and can now say they are definitely bad. The same forged REPRINT creations that were mentioned in the 12 Nov 2023 post were listed on eBay by seller "niftystamps111" of NSW, Australia. These posts show the continuing relationship between the forgery gang. In addition to the forged REPRINT creations, "bluewonder143" also listed another of the forger's 4d Courier creations. Continue to be vigilant and be careful buying anything from these sellers.
REPRINT Chalon forgeries 3.jpg
REPRINT Chalon forgeries 3.jpg (91.84 KiB) Viewed 155171 times
4d Courier forgery 23.jpg
4d Courier forgery 23.jpg (81.92 KiB) Viewed 155171 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#185 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:01 am

Two more forgeries on eBay from another new seller: "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia. I suspect the seller is the same as "mightystamps000" of NSW, Australia since both are selling the NSW forger's creations. This time we have a 1d Chalon forgery with the typical forged cancel and another 4d Courier forgery. The 4d Courier forgery is the exact same item offered less than a week ago by another member of the forgery gang "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia (see 16 January 2024 TPS BB post).
1d Chalon forgery 4.jpg
1d Chalon forgery 4.jpg (69.68 KiB) Viewed 139167 times
4d Courier forgery 24.jpg
4d Courier forgery 24.jpg (83.59 KiB) Viewed 139167 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#186 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:52 am

More forgeries on eBay from seller "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia. The forgeries were previously offered by other members of the forgery gang. The 1d Chalon forgery by "stampswunder" of NSW, Australia (see TPS BB post of 1 Oct 2023). In addition, the seller has relisted a group of OS forgeries that were previously listed by "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia (see 14 Dec 2023 post under the TPS BB Section entitled Official and Private Perfins).
1d Chalon forgery 2.jpg
1d Chalon forgery 2.jpg (67.92 KiB) Viewed 136170 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#187 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:50 am

Another type of a forged numeral cancel has been identified on a 1/ Chalon. The forged cancel has been applied over fiscally used pen marks. I am not sure if the numerals are supposed to be 66 or 99, but in either case it is the first time that I have seen this canceller. The item is on eBay under the seller "sunsetstampssydney" of Maroubra, NSW, Australia.
fake cancel 5.jpg
fake cancel 5.jpg (93.38 KiB) Viewed 122608 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#188 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Feb 07, 2024 6:56 am

An old-time forgery of the 2d Chalon is posted on Ebay. The seller is "stormer19 stamps" of Camas, Washington, US.
2d Chalon forgery 4.jpg
2d Chalon forgery 4.jpg (197.7 KiB) Viewed 107926 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#189 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:44 am

Another example of the forged cancel with Z-Z code has been listed on eBay. See TPS BB post of 1 October 2023 for the first example that was reported. The difference between them is the town name (Launceston vs Hobart), but the date is the same! The seller is "stormer19 stamps" of Camas, Washington, US.
forged Launceston duplex, Z-Z code.jpg
forged Launceston duplex, Z-Z code.jpg (370.42 KiB) Viewed 106445 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#190 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Feb 10, 2024 12:59 am

This item--a genuine 6d Chalon that was fiscally used--has a fake cancel in an attempt to hide the pen marks that can still be seen under the cancel. This item, currently on eBay (and has been on eBay previously), is posted here for educational purposes. Tasmania never used numerals in concentric circle cancels.
fake cancel 6.jpg
fake cancel 6.jpg (159.48 KiB) Viewed 105079 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#191 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:32 am

After a brief pause, the NSW forgery gang is back! "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia is selling another of their standard 1d Courier forgeries.
1d Courier forgery 28.jpg
1d Courier forgery 28.jpg (59.77 KiB) Viewed 99399 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#192 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:09 am

An old-time forgery has been posted on eBay by "richmondstamps" of West Molesey, UK. I notified the seller that the item was a forgery. The seller indicated they could not change the title of the item (which I know is incorrect) but did add that the item was "possibly a well-executed forgery" in the additional information area at the bottom of the eBay page. This a is a well-known forgery and additional examples of this type are shown on other pages of this topic.
4d Courier forgery 26.jpg
4d Courier forgery 26.jpg (21.16 KiB) Viewed 97582 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#193 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:29 am

Another old-time 4d Courier forgery has been posted on eBay by a Tasmanian seller. I notified the seller that the item was a forgery and he acknowledged that he thought it may have been. The cancel is also not one used by the colonial government. As of the date of this BB post, the seller had not updated the description or removed the item.
4d Courier forgery 27.png
4d Courier forgery 27.png (1005.6 KiB) Viewed 92528 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#194 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:13 am

Seller "scottvisnjic" of Changhua City, Taiwan has posted on eBay a set of Keyplate forgeries. The seller has listed them as reproductions, but the Tasmanian Government never reproduced these stamps. To this seller's credit, he has REPLICA on the back, but that doesn't mean that all copes are sold that way. It's good to recognize the differences of these forgeries to the genuine, particularly the £1 value because it is an expensive stamp.
Keyplate forgeries.jpg
Keyplate forgeries.jpg (294.81 KiB) Viewed 83960 times
Keyplate forgeries reverse.jpg
Keyplate forgeries reverse.jpg (80.25 KiB) Viewed 83960 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#195 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:12 am

Another 4d Courier forgery on eBay from "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia.
4d Courier forgery 28.jpg
4d Courier forgery 28.jpg (78.28 KiB) Viewed 79409 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#196 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:34 am

For readers of my posts on forgeries (but it applies to any of my bulletin board posts), I will sometimes reference earlier posts and I have just discovered that the dates I reference may be off by a day. It turns out that when I make a post, the website dates the post to the Australian local date and time. That's not a problem, but when I log in to make a post, the date and time reverts back to the local time of when I submitted the post. Since I'm in the US the date can be a day off from Australian time depending upon when I make my post. So, if I did my research on previous posts that I intend to reference before logging into the bulletin board the dates should be accurate, but if I did the research after logging in there is a good chance that the days that I'm referencing will be one day off. I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused, and I will try to make sure I get the days correct in the future.

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#197 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:27 pm

Two more forgeries on eBay: the first is a 2d stereo pictorial with forged OS perfin from a member of the Australian forgery gang with seller id "masterxroshi" of Punchbowl, NSW, Australia and the second is an old-time 1/ Chalon forgery listed by "stormer19 stamps" of Camas, Washington.
2d stereo OS forgery.png
2d stereo OS forgery.png (320.89 KiB) Viewed 76659 times
1s Chalon forgery 5.jpg
1s Chalon forgery 5.jpg (210.88 KiB) Viewed 76659 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#198 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:34 pm

The Australian forgery gang is trying to sell on eBay (again) their SPECIMEN forgery on a 1d platypus. This time the seller is "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia. Previously, the seller was "bluewonder143" of NSW, Australia another member of the forgery gang (see TPS BB post of 24 December 2023).
SPECIMEN forgery 1d platypus (3).jpg
SPECIMEN forgery 1d platypus (3).jpg (66.75 KiB) Viewed 67620 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#199 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:18 pm

Collectors Beware! A new eBay seller id has been created by the NSW forgery gang in their continuing attempts to deceive collectors. The new seller id is "moonman143" with a location of NSW, Australia. The item posted on eBay is one of their typical 4d Courier forgeries. Based on the history of the forgery gang, everyone should be careful buying anything from this seller. A quick review of this seller's website showed other forgeries for sale including OS forgeries punched on Commonweath stamps.
4d Courier forgery 29.jpg
4d Courier forgery 29.jpg (88.34 KiB) Viewed 64158 times
In addition, a new faked JBC monogram has been listed on eBay by "one-stop-stamp-shop" of Sydney, NSW, Australia (eBay item #235450811917). The 1d pictorial is genuine, but the JBC monogram does not belong with the stamp. The monogram has been attached (NOT reattached) -- these two items were never together originally. The paper is different, the watermarks do not align, the perforations do not align where it is attached (notice the right side of the reverse scan where the perforations overlap), and the width of the monogram selvedge is slightly wider than the stamp. I am actually surprised that the seller would try to scam a buyer with this item with so many items wrong! (Note: the 1d pictorial do have genuine monograms but not this one.)
Monogram JBC fake.jpg
Monogram JBC fake.jpg (132.04 KiB) Viewed 64158 times
Monogram JBC fake (reverse).jpg
Monogram JBC fake (reverse).jpg (90.66 KiB) Viewed 64158 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#200 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:48 am

The forgery gang, using their new seller id "moonman143" of NSW, Australia, has listed on eBay another 1d Courier forgery. More evidence that collectors should be very careful buying anything from this seller.
1d Courier forgery 29.jpg
1d Courier forgery 29.jpg (70.69 KiB) Viewed 57408 times
The seller "collectableswarehouse1" of Morwell, VIC, Australia has listed on eBay what they describe as a "postally used' 1/Chalon pair. It is obvious that the pair is fiscally used, and the pen marks can still be seen on both stamps. I've posted this pair to show a nice example of the forged Hobart Dumb canceler.
1s Chalon fiscal usage, fake cancel.jpg
1s Chalon fiscal usage, fake cancel.jpg (161.66 KiB) Viewed 57408 times

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