Bruny Island postal history

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Bruny Island postal history

#1 Post by Postagedues » Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:23 pm

I will post a series of questions here about the different offices on Bruny as I hope to write an article about the Postal History of Bruny this year.

I have used Basset Hull, the two Volumes of 'Postal History and Postal Markings', Tinsley and the 'Guide to Circular Date Stamps on the Tasmanian Pictorial Issue 1899 - 1913' along with Pybus' book on South Bruny as the main source material.

I have determined that the following offices are confirmed as operating but have no postal markings recorded.

Kelly's Point (BN40) and Barnes Bay (BN67) were gazetted on 28 October, 1851 but closed by 1854.

Taylor's Bay (BN99) was opened prior to 1881, when it was relocated to Little Taylor's Bay. Nothing is noted from the period up to 1881.

Barnes Bay post office was opened in 1902 but closed by 1904. In late 1906 the Post Office at Kelly’s Point was closed and relocated to Barnes Bay. It is postal markings from the first period that have not been sighted.

Soldiers returning from WW1 with infectious diseases were held for a period at the Quarantine Station on North Bruny. A Military Camp cancel was in use from 11 June, 1919 to 23 August, 1919 but no postal evidence has been sighted.

Sheepwash Bay, north of Alonnah opened on 18 March, 1912 and closed 31 December, 1918.

I want to see if there have been any discoveries with a request for clear scans if at all possible.

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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#2 Post by admin » Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:03 pm

A couple of questions.

Are you going to include Adventure Bay, Mills Reef/Allonah, Daniel's Bay/Lunawanna. There may have been some sort of Postal presence at Trumpeter Bay also but not sure from memory. There is also Simpson's Bay.
There was some suggestion of a cds for the Lighthouse but this may have discounted by now.

I have been told that Sheepwash was the point of embarkation for mail to the mainland of Tasmania at least for the S Bruny Offices and that the mailman carried the post by dinghy to Gordon across the D'Entrecasteau Channel. I do have at least one cover from Adventure Bay to Hobart with a Gordon backstamp which lends some weight to the story.

Do you have a cut-off point or are you interested in the period up to the present day?

Will be happy to dig out some items and catch up when you are in Tasmania. Feel free to let me know when you are in Hobart.

I believe at least one cover has been sighted with first allocation markings from Kelly's point and will see if I can find an image.

Finally, are you interested in Postcards as well ? Bruny cards tend to be rare but there are already some on this Bulletin Board and there are more out there in the hands of collectors.


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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#3 Post by Postagedues » Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:18 pm


It will include everything, this initial post was just about markings not seen.

Given that Simpson's Bay and Adventure Bay closed by 1974, I might use that as a cut-off point for the article.

I have more modern material in my collection.

I have the Kelly's Point cover with a cds and BN49, overstruck with the Hobart dumb canceller.

I will be in Hobart late March.

Malcolm Groom
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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#4 Post by Malcolm Groom » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:53 am

Barnes Bay first allocation is recorded on cover as shown. Currently held in a US collection and was on display at New York 2016.

I have also seen Taylor's Bay tied to 2nd allocation '99' on a 1d postal card in a London auction some five years ago but do not have a scan. I will try and locate an image.

Tasmania 67 copy.jpg
Tasmania 67 copy.jpg (990.52 KiB) Viewed 20827 times

Malcolm Groom
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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#5 Post by Malcolm Groom » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:58 am

Also located this manuscript '49' for Kelly's Point which may be of interest.

Kellys Point mss 1874 copy.jpg
Kellys Point mss 1874 copy.jpg (94.01 KiB) Viewed 20825 times

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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#6 Post by Postagedues » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:00 am

Fantastic items, Malcom.

Thanks for the assistance.


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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#7 Post by Postagedues » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:00 am

Malcolm Groom wrote:Barnes Bay first allocation is recorded on cover as shown. Currently held in a US collection and was on display at New York 2016.

I have also seen Taylor's Bay tied to 2nd allocation '99' on a 1d postal card in a London auction some five years ago but do not have a scan. I will try and locate an image.

Tasmania 67 copy.jpg

Do you have a date on this cover?


Malcolm Groom
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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#8 Post by Malcolm Groom » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:05 am

I will try and locate the date for the Taylor's Bay postal card.

The '67' cover was written up by David McNamee in his collection as September 1854 but no day.


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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#9 Post by Postagedues » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:07 am


That is precise enough.



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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#10 Post by admin » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:16 am

Regarding the Taylor's Bay cover, the numeral shown on the Postal Card is the 'new' BN for Taylors Bay ( which is 5R from memory and hence very rare). BN 66 from first allocation Port Cygnet was also used at Taylor's Bay inverted to show "99". This BN is much different to the 'new' BN as its much thicker and is in the First Allocation font style. I have never seen this BN on cover but I do have a copy on a stamp.
I do have an image of the Postal card somewhere but would need to get permission from the owner to publish it .


John Hardinge
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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#11 Post by John Hardinge » Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:46 am

Well if we look at Bruny Island we have the following:

Dennes Point open 20.81941-7.12.1984. CDS Types 5, 5s, 5sT
KIllora. This was a Free Bag only, not a P.O so no postal markings known
Barnes Bay(1). Opened 20 Oct 1851 to 30 Nov 1853. Allocated numeral 67. No CDS known
Barnes Bay(2). Opened 1 Aug 1906 in lieu of Kelly Point. Closed 31.10.1967. CDS Types 2, 5 , 5(s)
Kelly's Point Opened 1.12.1853 in place of Barnes Bay(1). Supposedly allocated first allocation numeral 40 but I find that very unlikely. More likely continued to use Barnes Bay's 67. In 1861 allocated second allocation numeral 49, which is also known in manuscript. CDS Type 1a
Trumpeter Bay open 20.10.1851 to 31.12.1853. A receiving house only and no postal marking seen or likely to have been issued.
Great Bay. Had two stints as a telephone office. 8.12.1913 to 31.3.1918 and again 1.3.1927 to 3.9.1930. Although a datestamp would likely have been issued for the second opening, nothing has ever been seen.
Simpson's Bay Opened 18.6.1913 to 30.11.1971. CDS known Type 2b, 4a, 4a(s), 5s
Mills Reef(1). Opened 1.12.1891 as Mill's Reef, closed 31 Mar 1899 when facilities moved to nearby Daniel's Bay. CDS Type 1(cross stops), numeral 326
Daniel's Bay. Opened 1 Apr 1899. Numeral 326. CDS Type 1. Renamed Lunnawanna 16 May 1907
Mill's Reef(2) Reopened 1.1.1904 as a receiving house, to a P.O 1.5.1905. CDS Type 2, 2a. Also used crown seal as a canceller. Name changed to Alonnah 20.12.1909, therefore:
Alonnah from Mils Reef(2) 20.12.1909, CDS Types 2ac, 5s(i), 5s(ii), 6a, 8aT, 8a(m)T, R8bT. Still open
Sheepwash Receiving House only open 2.4.1912 to 31.12.1918. No postal markings known or likely issued
Lunnawanna Renamed from Daniel's Bay 16 May 1907. CDS used 1, 4a, 4a(s), 5s
Adventure Bay Opened 1.12.1890, closed 11.4.1974. Numeral used 319. CDS used 1, 4a, 4a(s), 5s(i), 5s(ii)
Taylors Bay/LIttle Taylors Bay. Opened 24 Aug 1861 as Taylors Bay, renamed Little Taylors Bay 3.12.1881 although kept the Taylor's Bay CDS. Closed 31.5.1893. CDS used Type 1. Numerals used 99 then from 1883 first allocation 66 reissued as 99.
Bruny Island Lighthouse Opened 18.2.1902 as a telegraph station for weather and ship reporting only. Closed 30.6.1924. No postal marking seen or issued.

Hope this helps

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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#12 Post by Postagedues » Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:33 am

Fantastic John.

The only addition I can make is Barnes Bay opened 1902 and closed 1904, no evidence sighted.



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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#13 Post by Postagedues » Thu May 04, 2017 1:20 pm


I also have mention of the use of the Military Camp cancel at Quarantine Bay in 1918, although nothing has been sighted.

John Hardinge
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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#14 Post by John Hardinge » Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:15 pm

Can't say that I am aware of Barnes Bay opening between 1902 and 1904. Is there any confirmation of that?

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Re: Bruny Island postal history

#15 Post by Postagedues » Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:45 am


Tasmania: Postal History and Postal Markings, Vol 1 pp 112 is the source.


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