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Introducing Stephan

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:09 pm
by Stephan
Hello all

There's not much to tell really. Long story short. I'm a returning collector who, right now, seems to be focussing most on the British Commonwealth. I have a fair smattering of Tassie stamps but no other real items of philately from the State that I've paid any special attention to or noted.

From what I've observed, there appear to be a number of evolving stages in the hobby of philately. I seem to be stuck in one of the early ones and accumulate most countries where it comes to stamps. I tend to get the best fun/relaxation from going through an old album and cleanly removing, sorting and storing the stamps I'm able to retrieve that are in reasonable condition. Lately though, I've started scanning my OZ KGVs searching to identify varieties and am also sorting countries in to proper SG order.

As I look up in to the shelf above my laptop I can count thirteen large albums of Australia alone. One is an arch lever binder that holds my OZ States and stamp duty collection. Soon enough, I suppose, I'll move on to one of the next stages of collecting; that of focussing on the one country or element/theme. Right now though, I still like them all.

I'll be around the board from time to time. See you 'round. :geek:
