Sizing images for the TPS BB and web in general

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Location: Hobart, Tasmania

Sizing images for the TPS BB and web in general

#1 Post by admin » Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:00 pm

A number of members have asked how to size images for posting on this Board, so here's a brief 'how to'.
1. Firstly, image size for the Board and web in general is determined by the measurement in pixels. DPI (dots per inch) in itself does not determine size, its more a measure of the quality of the image. For printing, around 300 DPI is necessary, but for the web, a DPI of 72 is about all most Computer screens can display. I suggest you ignore DPI and simply size your images by adjusting the size in pixels.
2. Your image needs to be a JPEG. Other formats such as TIFFS, BMP etc may be output by scanners, but for the web set your scanner to output JPEG format.
3. The TPS BB will not display images more than 1,000 pixels wide. In any case, anything larger will just be too big. Whats a good size? I suggest round 200 pixels wide for individual stamps and maybe 600 pixels wide for covers - this should give a good big image. I've added a 900 pixel image below with three items displayed with their size in pixels, as a guide. You will see the sliders have appears - once the image gets over about 400 pix high, it gets its own window on the page


4. How to re-size. If you do not have access to scanner software or something like Photoshop, you can either track down an image optimisation program on the web, or use the Microsoft Picture Manager which comes with Microsoft Office ( at least my 2003 version). This will do a quick job of re-sizing your JPEG to the required size.
5. Firstly select your images by using the Add Image Shortcut command, and navigate to the folder on your PC where the image is stored. Click on the folder and any images in it will be displayed.
6. Select the image by clicking on it, and go to Picture > Resize in the top tool bar. This brings up the re-size panel on the right side of the screen. - See screenshot.

Go to the re-size panel on the right, click the 'Percentage of Original width x height" button, and adjust the slider from 100% until you get the correct size.
Your image should now be re-sized to the pixel dimensions you require. Save and up-load to the TPS BB.

7. Note - you cant stretch images too much bigger than the original as they will become "blocky". Making them smaller should be OK.
Peter Allan ADMIN . Any problems please feel free to send me a PM or email.

Picture-Manager-02.jpg (19.74 KiB) Viewed 12049 times
Picture-Manager-01.jpg (21.75 KiB) Viewed 12049 times
web-sizes-img.jpg (92.42 KiB) Viewed 12049 times

Site Admin
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:54 pm
Location: Hobart, Tasmania

Re: Sizing images for the TPS BB and web in general

#2 Post by admin » Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:03 am

4dCourier,P2,R4,C5,red2.jpg (119.43 KiB) Viewed 11035 times
4dCourier,P2,R4,C5,red.jpg (224.87 KiB) Viewed 11035 times
4dCourier,P2,R4,C5-dpi-reduced.jpg (1.96 MiB) Viewed 11035 times

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