J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

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J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

#1 Post by Des_Beechey » Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:25 pm

In January 1900, J. Walch & Sons, who were Hobart's principal stationers and booksellers, announced a series of Tasmanian View Post Cards. These were probably Tasmania's earliest picture postcards. They are very rare and I have never seen one of them. Perhaps other collectors have examples that can identify them. They were announced in a short advertisement in January 1900, and in a longer advertisement in February 1900, shown below.
OldWalchAdvert.jpg (69.55 KiB) Viewed 2189 times
The series was just six cards, printed in black & white. Five of the six are images, judging from the titles, were reprinted again and again on later series of Walch cards, but the one labelled "Walch's Corner, Liverpool Street" I think has not been reprinted and is unique to this series.

If anyone has cards they think are from this series, it would be good to see scans of the front and back, and ideally, one with a 1900 postmark! They will be undivided back cards, printed in black & white, possibly with the caption in colour.

There are some other series of Walch undivided back cards from 1903 onwards which are not the ones I am looking for. The front and back of three of these types are shown below.
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Malcolm Groom
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Re: J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

#2 Post by Malcolm Groom » Thu May 07, 2015 4:31 pm

I hope these images (12) are of the cards you mention. They have all been embossed for the 1d postcard rate and I show the address side of one which is insistent with the full set. One card (Mount Wellington) appears to be printed on whiter thicker stock. These are the only cards I have seen mint or used with embossed die applied.
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Malcolm Groom
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Re: J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

#3 Post by Malcolm Groom » Thu May 07, 2015 4:36 pm

The remaining cards are shown below
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Re: J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

#4 Post by Des_Beechey » Sun May 10, 2015 3:28 pm

Wonderful, Malcolm! You have a complete set of Walch's 1901 series. This is the first time I have seen some of these cards, particularly the Walch's Corner card.

I now understand the series of Walch's vignetted cards of 1900 to 1904, as listed below. Most of this information comes from Walch's Literary Intelligencer (WLI) which was a monthly advertising periodical that Walch's produced for the period about 1880 - 1930. The State Library holds it on microfilm. For the 1900 to 1902 series, WLI lists the cards individually, so that is an accurate publication date for these series. For later years, there is just a mention that a new series has been published.

Most of these series have differences in the colour of the caption printing and the design of the card back.

Malcolm's cards are the 1901 series. His twelve cards agree with the listing in Walch Literary Intelligencer of October 1901, with a few variations in spelling.

In the list below, I give the source of the information about the series. The early series are detailed in WLI, the later ones are from postmark dates in my collection.

WLI= Walch Literary Intellegence

1900 Series Publication date and list from WLI Feb 1900.
  • Hobart from the Harbour
    Huon Road, with Mt. Wellington
    Bank of Tasmanian Ferns
    Cape Raoul from the Sea
    Government House
    Walch’s Corner, Liverpool Street
1901 Series Publication date and list from WLI Oct 1901
  • Hobart, from the Bay
    Government House
    Mt. Wellington
    Bridge Over Huon
    Fern Trees
    Cape Raoul
    Walch’s Corner, Hobart
    Derwent, New Norfolk
    Shot Tower, Browns River Road
    Port Arthur
    Fern Tree Bower
1902 Series Publication date and list from WLI Dec 1902
  • Hobart, from the Bay
    Derwent, from Domain
    Silver Falls
    Mount Wellington
    Bridge over Huon
    Cape Raoul
    Hobart, from Bellerive
    Salmon Ponds
    Derwent, New Norfolk
    Shot Tower, browns River Road
    Port Arthur
    Fern Tree Bower
1903 Series
Not specifically mentioned in WLI
Earliest Postmark date 31 Dec 1903
Front text in black, “J. Walch & Sons printers”
These are from my collection:
  • Port Arthur
    Mountain Lake
    Mt. Wellington and Hobart from Bellerive
    Fern Tree Bower

1904 Series
Not specifically mentioned in WLI
Earliest postmark date is Aug 1904
Front text in black, “J. Walch & Sons printers”
These are from my collection:
  • Huon Road.
    Launceston from the Gorge
    Government House, Hobart
    Fern Retreat Hut, Cascades
    Tessellated Pavement, Eaglehawk Neck
    Hobart from Landsdown Crescent

1904 Coloured Series Mentioned in WLI Nov 1904 but not itemised
Earliest postmark date April 1905
These are from my collection:
  • Cornelian Bay, Queen’s Domain
    Bush Hut, Cascades
    A Tasmanian Bush Creek
    Hobart, from Bellerive
    Mount Wellington
    Fern Tree Bower
    Port Arthur

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Re: J. Walch & Sons postcards from January 1900

#5 Post by Des_Beechey » Sat May 16, 2015 7:54 pm

With the assistance of several collectors, I have now worked out what is what with the vignetted postcards published by J. Walch & Co. There are five series, published from 1900 to 1904. This post is about the first series, published in 1900. Below is the front and back of one of this first series.

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]Date Published: The series was announced in Walch's Literary Intelligencer (Note 4) in the issue of January 1900. They said:
We have just published a series of Six Post Cards, containing on each Post Card a beautifully executed view of Tasmanian Scenery. The views are perfect gems of art, and nothing could be better designed for "Advertising Tasmania". Packets of six, Ninepence, posted Tenpence.

Printing: Printed by collotype by the British Photoprint Company.

Number in Series: In the February 1900 issue of Walch's Literary Intelligencer they listed the six cards in the set:
• Hobart from the Harbour
• Huon Road, with Mount Wellington
• Bank of Tasmanian Ferns
• Cape Raoul from the Sea
• Government House
• Walch's Corner, Liverpool Street

Identification: The front of the cards have a vignetted black & White image, with a caption in red below. The publisher is not identified anywhere on the card.
The undivided back has "POST CARD - TASMANIA." in a heavy, red printing, with two lines below, and under that a curly symbol that is unique to this series. The stamp box is of thin solid lines.

History: We have a good record of the history of these postcards from letters preserved in the Archives Office of Tasmania. Walch & Sons in Hobart retained a business agent in London, Mr Charles Holworthy. Walch's letters to Holworthy are not available, but Holworthy's letters back to Hobart and to suppliers in England and on the Continent have been preserved.

The first time postcards are mentioned is in Holworthy’s letter to Hobart of November 1898, (Note 1) when he said that he had got a printing quotation from Stewart’s and has sent a sample of their work to Hobart. Later in November Holworthy reported that a sample was sent from a printer in Amsterdam, and a quotation requested from the British Photoprint Co. (who were the printers eventually selected). In December he reported sending a sample from the British Photoprint Co. and gave information on prices for printing various quantities. In 7 April 1899 (Note 2) he gave more details on the prices of the British Photoprint Co. and detailed their requirements:
"A negative is not really necessary. They can work with a good clear silver print of sepia tint and prefer this to a negative. Size must not be less than ½ plate, but a whole plate print for preference.
10,000 cards 25/- per thousand 20,000 @ 22/6 per thousand. They are now doing a lot of these cards for advertisements, one or two of which I enclose. The rage for these cards in England and from the Continent is enormous & still increasing. I suppose there would be a large sale to passengers from England to New Zealand if you publish a series of Tasmanian views. I hear on all sides that it is the fashion to collect these cards now, this of course increases the sales."

An order for printing cards was apparently placed, but in his letter of 7 July 1899, Holworthy indicates that the order has been cancelled. But the order must have been placed again, because in his letter of 15 September 1899 , he said:
"I had for safety put your photos and papers bearing on the order for View Cards in the safe, so that I soon had the order written out with full instructions. I took it round to the British Photoprint Co. and explained our position and although they never promise an order under a month I should not be at all surprised if I get them in time to ship by the steamer due in Hobart 6 December. The manager promised to use every effort to get them ready in time. Of course the coat of arms in the address side cannot be put on, as it is against the law except when done for the government."

The cards were apparently then printed, as Holworthy, in his letter of 10 November 1899 wrote:
"Postcards: I enclose samples of them but regret they were a day or two late for the “Paparoa”. I am a little disappointed with them but people I have shown them to in the City say ‘How good & pretty”. “Tree Ferns” (if I remember the subject) has been done very badly. I must see the company about it on Monday, tomorrow is payday."

There wasn’t really a problem with the tree ferns, as Holworthy wrote on 26 January 1900 (Note 3):
When I wrote about the Tree Fern view post card as being very bad, I was under the impression that in executing the order the company had cut off all the stems from the tree ferns leaving only the leaves. The title seemed almost a misnomer, as there was hardly any of the tree to be seen, but when I complained they showed me the photo & I see it is executed as sent. I think therefore you will be satisfied with the general finish of the work."

Walch & Co must have written back to Holworthy, as on 1 February 1900 Holworthy wrote:
"I hope these will sell rapidly, of course the result so much depends on the subject, of the photo, the clearness of the negative or photo & the weather."

Walch & Co. in Hobart must have sent some cards back to Holworthy, because on 9 March 1990 he wrote:
" I have sent on your claim for shorts and spoiled copies of the view cards, I am glad to hear they are going off fairly well."

Later, Holworthy noted that British Photoprint Co. had allowed a credit of six shillings and tenpence! (Walch and Co. were always watching the pennies).

Note 1: Archives office of Tasmania NS2857/1/5 Letters from the London Office 1898
Note 2: Archives office of Tasmania NS2857/1/6 Letters from the London Office 1899
Note 3: Archives office of Tasmania NS2857/1/7 Letters from the London Office 1900
Note 4: Walch's Literary Intelligencer was a weekly advertising publication published by J. Walch & Sons. It is held by the State Library of Tasmania as hardcopy and as microfilm

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