"The Tasmanian Mail" postcards

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"The Tasmanian Mail" postcards

#1 Post by Des_Beechey » Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:05 pm

"The Tasmanian Mail" was a weekly newspaper published in Hobart in the period 1877-1921. With the Christmas issues of 1905 and 1906, they included a page of postcards, perforated, ready to be torn out and used. This is an example of one of the cards:
3657F.jpg (168.49 KiB) Viewed 1484 times
You can see the perforations on the left, top and bottom of this card. We need the rest of the cards so we can work out how the sheet was laid out.

Notice that the caption of this card, at the bottom, is in upper case. Some of the others have captions in upper and lower case. Does this distinguish the 1905 issue from the 1906 issue? More examples are needed.

These cards may have been issued in larger numbers than any other Tasmanian card, as I assume "The Tasmanian Mail" was printed in many thousands of copies. I suppose there are not many examples about as they are fairly drab and printed on poor quality cardboard.

You can see images of the cards I have, and everything I know about them, on the website: http://beecheyspostcardhistory.org.au

Des Beechey

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