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Early Series of Postcards with West Coast Scenes

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:48 pm
by Ross Ewington
I have just received these cards....

_____________________________to view both cards, please 'click' once on the image below __________________________________________________
da1021.jpg (593.27 KiB) Viewed 1445 times
Both cards have undivided backs suggesting publication before the 1905 usage dates
and are possibly from a series. No attribution in regard to the publisher is included.

The postcard back features a very small Tas Coat of Arms which suggests that the cards may
have been produced by Beattie or Spurling. Richard Gee also used the Coat of Arms on the
back of some of his cards but I have only seen cards by him with northern or southern
Tasmanian views.

If you have any similar cards with different views, can you please post images in this topic?

Re: Early Series of Postcards with West Coast Scenes

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 1:13 pm
by John Campton
It has been nearly five years since Ross published images of two B&W postcards "Queenstown" and "Smelters, Tas.". Since then I have acquired two more. Both vertical images of "Princess Falls, Tas" and "Mt Lyell Haulage, Tas.".

I now have three including the "Queenstown, Tas." postcard. All are postally used at Queenstown; May 15 05, June 1 05 and October 30 05. I believe I am on the cusp of working out who "designed and arranged" the postcards and would like any information from members who have similar postcards in their collection. It would be good to know the postcard title, use date (if used) and the name of the remitter (if signed). As a new set of West Coast postcards a full list of known postcards increases everyones knowledge of the subject.

The clue to the "designer" is the fact that my "Mt Lyell Haulage" postcard contained the phrase 'I am sending you one of my photo's. I do hope you like it." This was the one sent in May and uses a nom de plume.

Hope you can help. JC

Re: Early Series of Postcards with West Coast Scenes

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 2:00 pm
by Ross Ewington
images please!!

you can add them to your original post using the edit facility