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LITTLE or FELLOWES?? Same photo, different photographers!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:12 am
by Ross Ewington
The first real photo postcard below entitled '252. Shipping Apples at Hobart Tas." is attributed to W.J. Little.

If you scroll down you will see the very same photo (same view number and title too) but attributed to W. Fellowes (D.I.C.)
same photo different attribution.jpg
same photo different attribution.jpg (150.44 KiB) Viewed 723 times

To view both photos together, 'right click' on your mouse and select 'View Image'.

Judging by the wharf traffic and ships, the photo 'dates from the 1910-20 period but Fellowe's address on the back of his card
(107 Park Street) indicates that it was printed in the late 1920s/early 1930s period.

To quote a well-known American professor who used to have a science show on Australian TV in the 1960s 'Why is it so?'

My theory is that at some stage Fellowes purchased some (or many) of Little's glass negatives and used them 'as his own'.
This would possibly explain some of Fellowe's 'too early' cards such as the view of troops and equipment being loaded onto
a ship in Hobart during mid-WWI ....see topic in this category ... owes#p1718

What do you think? Do you have similar examples of 'shared' images used as postcards?