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AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS - TASMANIA - Post images/comments here

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:49 am
by Ross Ewington
Australian Customs have used quite a number of datestamps and handstamps on inward mail to
Tasmania over the years, mainly at Hobart and Launceston. This venue may provide a "good spot"
to create an overview of what has been used to date.

I'll start with this curious usage on a large envelope addressed to Hobart from Norfolk Island.
Why the packet was handled through customs when it is from an Australian Territory and not
another country is anybody's guess ... mine is that it was placed in the "customs stream" at the
Hobart Mail Centre in error.


If you have any other examples of Australian Customs handstamps / datestamps used on the mail
(or comments/information thereupon), please post in this topic.

Re: AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS - TASMANIA - Post images/comments here

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:39 am
by John Shepherd
Interesting cover although not an error. Norfolk Island and AAT are subject to Australian Customs despite being Aust Territories. I have seen Norfolk Island covers going back to the 1960s trated by customs although not every envelope is struck with a datestamp. I have also seen more recent letters from AAT to Australia with customs tape.