ANA Tasmanian Exhibition Launceston 1913

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Malcolm Groom
Posts: 200
Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:12 am

ANA Tasmanian Exhibition Launceston 1913

#1 Post by Malcolm Groom » Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:28 pm

Tas ANA cover.png
Tas ANA cover.png (1.98 MiB) Viewed 8912 times
Illustrated envelope produced for the Australian Natives Exhibition in Launceston.
Further information would be most welcome.

Ross Ewington
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Re: ANA Tasmanian Exhibition Launceston 1913

#2 Post by Ross Ewington » Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:29 pm

I found this report of a proposed A.N.A. Exhibition to be held in Launceston during 1913 printed in The Examiner on Friday, March 15th 1912

Launceston has reason to be proud of the work of its branch of the Australian Natives' Association. Already from the past stand out accomplishments which represent lasting memorials to the progressive spirit and unflagging interest of the branch in all matters of local importance. It has now on foot a scheme for the holding of another A.N.A. Exhibition in Launceston in 1913.

At a summoned meeting held last night members decided to enter upon the project. The president (Mr. V. M. Collins) was in the chair. The committee appointed at the last meeting to report as to the advisability of holding an A.N.A. Exhibition in Launceston in 1913, met at the Tourist rooms on Thursday night. After going into the matter thoroughly, the following motion was passed unanimously -"That this committee recommends that an A.N.A. Exhibition of Australian manufactures and products be held in Launceston, opening on Monday, January 27, 1913." In the event of the branch deciding to hold the said exhibition, your committee beg to make the following recommendations: -(1) That the management be in the hands of a committee of 12 members, of whom the president for the time being of the branch shall be one; such president to be also chairman of the exhibition committee; the committee shall have power to invite the co-operation of any public body, who shall appoint one representative (2) That the profits, if any, of the said exhibition be distributed as follows:---40 per cent. to be returned to bona fide exhibitors; 15 per cent, to go to the national fund of the branch for furthering its national work in Northern Tasmania.; 15 per cent to be placed in reserve for some future exhibition or national object, as may be decided at a summoned meeting of the branch; 30 per cent. to be donated to some public object in Launceston to be decided upon at this meeting. As a suitable object in keeping 'with the aims of the A.N.A., the committee recommends a national re creation ground.

The chairman formally moved--"That an A.N.A. Exhibition of Australian manufactures and products be held in Launceston on Monday. January 27, 1913."' Mr. S. King seconded the motion. Mr. C. Hunt drew attention to the fact that the Victorian A.N.A. people contemplated the holding of an exhibition in Melbourne early in 1913, and he considered it altogether inadvisable for the proposed Launceston exhibition to clash with it. He suggested that they should have some definite knowledge as to Victoria's intention before they fixed upon any particular date. Mr. Sim King supported this suggestion and Mr. Goodluck. a strong supporter of the principle of the proposal, was also seized of the danger at this juncture of fixing any specific date. As an amendment, Mr. Hunt moved "'That an A.N.A. Exhibition be held in Launceston early in 1913, the date to be left in the hands of the exhibition committee." The amendment was seconded by Mr. Goodluck. Mr. F. Tyson was desirous of information as to the method to be adopted to meet a loss, should any occur. The chairman - Any loss would be met by guarantees. The branch also has at the present an exhibition fund of £130. The amendment was carried.

The first recommendation of the committee was adopted with an amendment providing that the committee "shall invite", instead of "shall have the power to invite," the co-operation of public bodies. From the chair it was moved--"That the recommendation of the committee as to the distribution of the profits be adopted." The motion was seconded by Mr. Hunt, who suggested that to the 40 per cent. clause be added, "pro rata, according to the amount of floor space." The motion in that form was carried. It was agreed. on the motion of the secretary (Mr. J. B. Waldron, jun.) "That the £130 retained by the branch from profits of the last exhibition be kept clear of the returns of profits, and in ,the event of any loss, be called upon before any demand be made on the guarantors." At the instance of Mr. Hunt, it was agreed to invite the following public bodies to send each a representative to the exhibition committee:-Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Manufactures, Horticultural Society, Traders' Association, City Council, Tourist Association, Tasmanian Agricultural and Pastoral Society and the Tamar Fruit Growers' Association. Consideration of the recommendation of the committee that a suitable object to which the 30 per cent. profit should be devoted was the establishment of a national recreation ground, brought forward l hearty support. Messrs. Page, Forrest, Hunt, Goodluck, and King spoke strongly in favour of the proposal. One and all emphatically urge the necessity of a national recreation ground in Launceston which was very badly served in this respect. Stress was laid upon the point that there were at the present time no public recreation grounds in the city devoted to public benefit in the way of military demonstrations, band contests, fire brigade competitions, and the like, and it was urged that, with the inauguration of the Saturday half-holiday, there was additional need of facilities for the recreation of the youth. The recommendation was unanimously adopted.

N.B. I have added emphases to some parts of the text.

Also this amusements notice published in The Examiner on Monday, January 6th 1913

1913 exhibition amusements.jpg
1913 exhibition amusements.jpg (87.87 KiB) Viewed 8900 times

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