Unframed Lauceston - uses and rarity rating?

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Unframed Lauceston - uses and rarity rating?

#1 Post by admin » Fri May 03, 2013 3:42 pm

I have had a lot of trouble finding the first un-framed CDS of Launceston issued in 1865 as part of the first batch of CDS.
This is rated by John H as 3R but I wonder if its scarcer than this ? It seems to be extremely elusive.
I also wonder where it was used, as I do not see it on the front or back of any mail into and out of Launceston. My theory is it was used in the Launceston Money Order Office.The unframed Hobart "Chief Office" canceller was used in the Hobart Money order Office rather than the main Post Office. The thing is, if they did not not use this unframed canceller in the MO what did they use ? it would have been necessary according to the then regulations to use a canceller for dealing with money orders. Any thoughts on rarity or usage?

(By the way, this looks to be a ERD at 1 Oct 1866, which is 1 year 5 months after the CDS was released)
launceston-unframed.jpg (130.63 KiB) Viewed 908 times

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