Campania February 1913

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Geoff Dane
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Campania February 1913

#1 Post by Geoff Dane » Mon May 20, 2013 3:35 pm

While sorting through some stamps I came across these postmarks from Campania where the usual abbreviation of February appears to have been replaced by 2 or 02. The second stamp might be SP but day-before-month for Campania are uncommon so I included stamp 2 with the definite numeral for month examples as stamp 2 may be an example of an attempt to address the missing FE issue.

I assume that FE was either lost or damaged. Did FE reappear in 1914?
Campania.jpg (174.14 KiB) Viewed 1067 times

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Re: Campania February 1913

#2 Post by admin » Tue May 21, 2013 12:23 pm

I am sure you are right about the use of the number "2" to replace a missing FE. The one CDS from this period that I have seen has a set of numbers from 1 to 31, and separate date slugs for each month in the form JA, FE etc.I dont think they used numbers in the form "02" and I dont think there would be space to insert two slugs in the space available
I dont have an example with a Feb date unfortunately. The two closest copies I can find are for 1910 and 1916, and I've up-loaded them here, but they dont help much as there is no "FE" in the dates.
It would be good if others who might have a "FE" date for the T 1 cds could check their examples to see how long it was before the missing "FE" was replaced, if at all ( my guess is it was not replaced).
Campania-T1-12-Au-10.jpg (55.27 KiB) Viewed 1057 times
Campania-T1-15-Oct-16.jpg (45.14 KiB) Viewed 1057 times

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