Distribution of Victorian type postage dues (1909) in Tasmania

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Distribution of Victorian type postage dues (1909) in Tasmania

#1 Post by bill » Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:35 pm

We have seen the contribution of 'Postagedues' on the first and second series postage dues
to Tasmania - but sadly no response! I have a strip of 3 of the 1d first series postmarked
at Hobart 12 May 1908 so the New South Wales design (first series being with blank space
at the bottom and second series being with that blank space filled in) clearly lasted for a
long time in Tasmania. Images seem to be missing!

My query concerns the distribution of the Victorian design postage dues from July 1909 to
Tasmania. Hardly any mention of a distribution to Tasmania is mentioned in the Postage
Due catalogue edited by Geoff Kellow, unlike the case of the New South Wales design.

Possible values could include ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d, 1/- of the 1909 series. The 3d may be
doubtful since it is known that the New South Wales design 3d was still being used up as
late as 1920 in Queensland (more people than Tasmania). Likewise, it is plausible that
the higher values (2/-, 5/-, 10/-, £1) were not sent to Tasmania at all. Indeed, higher
values from 2/- upwards were withdrawn from June 1927 as Kellow's catalogue says.

At least, we should hope to find 1d and 2d Victorian type of 1909 used in Tasmania and
possibly other lower values as well. Are there images out there?

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