Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

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John Hardinge
Posts: 273
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Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#1 Post by John Hardinge » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:07 am

As per Ross's request, have started a thread on this.

It is very interesting to look at the new CDS that were introduced in 1913.

They are:Latrobe Type 3 Introduced Feb 1913. Common enough on pictorial
Nunamara Rubber Introduced probably Feb 1913. Is known on pictorial(1/2'ds), but copy on 1d roo is earlier
Beaconsfield Type 3 Introduced Mar 1913. Again, common enough on pictorial
Paradise Type 3 Not known on pictorial. Previous type not known on Roo. Not suprising as P.O burnt down May 1913 and pictorial stocks would have been replaced by Roos.
Western Junction Replaced Evandale Junction May 1913. Is known on pictorial. Have seen in 1913 on 1d Roos as well.
Crotty Type 1. Is known on both Roos and Pictorials in 1913. Interestingly enough late date is on pictorial.
Huonville Introduced May 1913. Have seen a few copies on pictorial, mainly on 1/2d.
Moonah Introduced Aug 1913. As above, but onlly seen on 1/2d.
Waddamana Opened and introduced Aug 1913. Have seen on pictorial.
Comstock Rubber CDS. Only one copy known on 1d Roos so bit hard to comment.
St Helens First of Type 2b new issues. Only known on Roo or KGV2. Such a large office would have exhausted pictorial stocks by this time, except maybe 1/2ds.

The only other new CDS introduced prior to May 1914 are TPO No 5 in Feb-Apr 1914 and Bothwell TYpe 2b in Apr 1914. Both offices were large and would have had stocks of Roos by this time.

The other CDS that is quite possible is Douglas River Type 3. Earliest sen is 1917, but definately manufactured in either 1912 or 1913. May wellbe seen on pictorial. Is very scarec in any era, with only 3 copies known. Douglas River was a T.O only but frequently cancelled postal items

CDS that staggered into the pictorial period.

We all know Peppermint Bay.

Other possiblities are Penguin Creek with the Creek not removed. Late date 7.12.1899. Early date with it removed is 6.1.1900. Very unlikely but possible.

Much more likely is Mills Reef Type 1. Late date is in May 1899. Early date for Daniel's Bay Jun 1900. Plenty of time there is Daniels Bay was not introduced until mid 1900(I have no idea when it was introduced).

Unusual CDS

There are 3 rubber stamps here(not counting Hobart and Launceston cancellers of course)

Legana-very rare and in use prior to CDS issue. Standard Type R1
Military Camp- as above but used until 1914
Kanna Leena-not a CDS at all, simply a straight line rubber canceller in violet that preceded use of the CDS(first cancels known of the CDS are in violet)

Windmill Hill. A telegraph office only that conducted no postal business. Only copies known are in the period but are on telegrams.


There have been number of straight line cancellers that look to be brass cancelling pictorals that have come up for auction in the last few years. These are almost certainly original cancellers(that have come from a railway source?) that have been perhaps rescued and then applied to stamp in recent times. Buyer beware here.

Also in this catagory are Lorinna and Lapoinya. Both were obtained on pictorials during the 1960's by a collector. These are not genuine cancels from the period. Also buyer beware.

John Hardinge
Posts: 273
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:47 pm

Re: Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#2 Post by John Hardinge » Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:09 am

Just to update this a little. I now have a copy of Douglas River Type 3 CDS with a 1914 date(month indestinct) on (no surprise) a 1/2d pictorial. This cancel may well go to pre 1913.

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Re: Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#3 Post by Stephan » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:09 pm

Hi John

I have this poor quality Two Pence Hobart cancelled in Zeehan. Nothing unusual there but there are three crosses (?) also imprinted/pressed on to the stamp. Do they signify anything that you know of? It's a pity that the year is missing or I may have been able to do some more research that way.



John Shepherd

Re: Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#4 Post by John Shepherd » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:01 am

They look like the head of a screw. But why? :?:

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Re: Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#5 Post by Stephan » Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:12 am

Head of a screw - You know I hadn't considered that - the marks do look like that. All I could see was that they were "under" the cancellation from Zeehan. Three impressions like that look to be deliberate rather than accidental so I was curious to see if they had some relevance. Thanks John.


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Re: Unusual and Possible CDS on pictorials

#6 Post by Revenuer » Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:49 pm

Queensland have cork cancels similar to these....Dave
Tas2dPictwithunusalCDS-1.jpg (96.33 KiB) Viewed 1624 times
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