CDS that should exist

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John Hardinge
Posts: 276
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:47 pm

CDS that should exist

#1 Post by John Hardinge » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:18 pm

Thought I may submit a list of CDS that definitely must exist but have not been seen. Of course, there are a number of others that possibly can exist,
but all these are pretty much "definites" that have not been seen.

They are, by year of introduction and probable type:

1865 - Three Hut Point - U1
1875 - Lymington - U2
1878 - Recherche Bay, Shannon, Huon Road, Upper Carlton - 1a
1879 - Lyndhurst, Montacute - 1
1879 - Oakhampton - 1
1881 - Salisbury, Kingston(Corners) - 1(dot stops)
1883 - Granville - 1
1883 - Back River, Cascades, Upper Cascade River - 1(dot stops)
1887 - Pateena - 1
1889 - St Aubyn's, Vinegrove - 1b
1891 - Tarleton - 1
1892 - A&E Store New Norfolk, Austerley, Ring River, Dasher - 1
1893 - Rinadeena - 1
1897 - Willow Brook - (altered CDS, probably Type 1a)
1915 - Pinega - R1
1919 - Moorden - 2b
1921 - Fraser Road, Heemskirk South- 4
1923 - Leeka, Osmir - 4
1924 - Temlih, Nughata, Remutta, Hobart South - 4
1925 - Elmswood - 4
1926 - Niree - 4
1927 - Great Bay - 4
1950 - Firewood Siding - 5

Keep a lookout for these!

John Hardinge
Posts: 276
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:47 pm

Re: CDS that should exist

#2 Post by John Hardinge » Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:10 pm

Posted this 12 years ago. Since then, five of these have turned up. It goes to show, keep on looking.

They are, by year of introduction and probable type:

1878 - Recherche Bay, Shannon, Huon Road, Upper Carlton - 1a
1879 - Lyndhurst, Montacute - 1
1879 - Okehampton - 1
1881 - Salisbury, Kingston(Corners) - 1(dot stops)
1883 - Granville - 1
1883 - Back River, Cascades, Upper Cascade River - 1(dot stops)
1887 - Pateena - 1
1889 - St Aubyn's, Vinegrove - 1b
1892 - A&E Store New Norfolk, Austerley, Ring River, Dasher - 1
1893 - Rinadeena - 1
1897 - Willow Brook - (altered CDS, probably Type 1a)
1919 - Moorden - 2b
1921 - Fraser Road, Heemskirk South- 4
1923 - Osmir - 4
1924 - Temlih, Nughata, Remutta, Hobart East - 4
1925 - Elmswood - 4
1926 - Niree - 4
1927 - Great Bay - 4
1950 - Firewood Siding - 5

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