Embossed Wrappers - record embossings

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Malcolm Groom
Posts: 200
Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:12 am

Embossed Wrappers - record embossings

#1 Post by Malcolm Groom » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:09 pm

J Walch six  1d embossed wrapper.jpg
J Walch six 1d embossed wrapper.jpg (356.85 KiB) Viewed 2614 times
A recent acquisition appears to hold the record for the number of frankings on an item. Previously 5 x Halfpenny embossings on an envelope (three recorded mint and two used)

I would be interested in members who can offer other examples of six embossings.

Ross Ewington
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Re: Embossed Wrappers - record embossings

#2 Post by Ross Ewington » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:46 pm

A very nice discovery indeed! Do you have any thoughts about the 6d rate pre-paid?? ..... the basic letter rate to G.B. was 6d when this wrapper was embossed but I would have thought that even a very heavy newspaper would have cost considerably less than that.

Malcolm Groom
Posts: 200
Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:12 am

Re: Embossed Wrappers - record embossings

#3 Post by Malcolm Groom » Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:53 am

There are two possible explanations for the rate applied to this wrapper. My understanding is that any embossed item had to comply with some legitimate rate.

1. Bulk parcels of not less than 6 newspapers printed in or out of the Colony - 1d per lb. or fraction thereof so a possible 5 to 6lb parcel of newspapers (unlikely given the size of the wrapper) Tasmanian Postal Guide No.8 (1894)

2.From 1901 for a Newspaper posted within 7 days of publication to British Empire and Foreign destinations 1d per 4 oz. so a 24oz parcel of newspaper(s). (This seems more likely) The Australian Philatelist 1989 R Breckon.

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