Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

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Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#1 Post by Jeffharris » Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:33 pm

There is an item on Ebay that is purported to be a Sixpence Pictorial with compound perforations. It has a starting price of US$325.00 and is listed as a 1905 issue. It is obviously an Electrotype printing, the first of which was issued in late 1910. The stamp appears to be perforated in gauge 12.4 on all four sides. There are [of course] ways to check perforations without the aid of a perforation gauge, but these can be discussed elsewhere.

What do other members think? This stamp has a hefty commencing price and it may be a disappointing purchase for
someone who is not familiar with the different perforations. At first I thought the bottom row might be gauge 11.8 but all the recent research of the records show that the sixpence denomination was never perforated with the old Hobart perforating machine.

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Re: Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#2 Post by Jeffharris » Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:51 pm

I sent an Email to the vendor [in New York] regarding the perforations of this stamp and have received two replies. The first stated :- "Top left is compound". Apparently, he must have had a bit of a think about this response and shortly after he very kindly sent a second response :- "Top left perfs appear to be 11 while lower down P 12.5. The top left corner is line perf while the bottom corner is comb". So there you have it! I am thinking 'caveat emptor'.

Ross Ewington
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Re: Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#3 Post by Ross Ewington » Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:57 pm

Jeffharris wrote:So there you have it! I am thinking 'caveat emptor'.
...when it comes to many eBay sellers it's ... CAVEAT EMPTOR

I occasionally write to sellers indicating that they are offering a forgery, enhanced postmark, a completely different stamp than that described, etc.
.... you were lucky to get a polite response (or any response at all!!).

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Re: Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#4 Post by Jeffharris » Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:24 pm

This stamp has been relisted several times since its first appearance late last year. You have to admire the vendor's persistence! Do we need to send him another message about the incorrect description?

Ross Ewington
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Location: Hobart

Re: Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#5 Post by Ross Ewington » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:50 pm

here's the "stamp in question"
6d pictorial misdescribed.jpg
6d pictorial misdescribed.jpg (147.21 KiB) Viewed 5566 times

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Re: Sixpence Pictorial with Compound Perforations

#6 Post by Hobbit123 » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:39 am

In that the vendor claimed a 'compound perforation', it is perhaps worth recording that Lancaster states (p.87) that "no compound perforation has been reported" (for lithographs issued from 1908) and (p.102) "both (12½ and 11) gauges are found in compound and mixed perforations and are scarce." (for electrotypes isued from 1910).
In my collection I have an electrotype BLC block with mixed perfs and singles with perf 11 at top and 12½on 3 sides and perf 12½ at top and 1 on three sides and a perf 12½ pair with perf 11 at right.
Pictorial 6d mixed perf block.jpg
Pictorial 6d mixed perf block.jpg (653.59 KiB) Viewed 5519 times

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