Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

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John Shepherd

Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#1 Post by John Shepherd » Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:34 pm

From 1861 until 1870 Hobart Town GPO used three "dumb" oval obliterators. The three types are listed in the Greenbooks Vol.1 pp.86, 88:

Type 1: 15 vertical bars
Type 2. 14 vertical bars
Type 3. 16 vertical bars

The 1/- Chalon below shows a cancel of 13 horizontal bars. Besides having the wrong number of bars the canceller seems too thick. Is it agreed that this is a fake cancel? Opinions please.
13 bar Dumb pmk.JPG
13 bar Dumb pmk.JPG (22.15 KiB) Viewed 1578 times

Posts: 80
Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#2 Post by RogerKinns » Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:19 am

My immediate reaction is that the cancellation looks suspect, while the stamp looks remarkably clean. If it is a faked cancel, the reason for its creation would presumably have been to increase the value of a stamp that had been fiscally used. Is there any sign of a previous ink cancellation?

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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#3 Post by RogerKinns » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:26 pm

John. I don't whether this will be helpful, but I checked through my own collection to see if I have anything similar to your strike. I could not find one, but I have two examples of the Jeffreys forgery of the 4d Courier. Both are shown below. One has a dumb cancel with 10 vertical bars. The other is cancelled '75'. Jeffreys does not seem to have bothered about either the date currency or detail of his cancellations, at least in these two cases. Is he known to have forged Chalons, or faked postmarks for them?
JeffreysForgery,4dCourier,Dumb10can.jpg (38.92 KiB) Viewed 1559 times
JeffreysForgery,4dCourier,75can.jpg (24.68 KiB) Viewed 1559 times

John Shepherd

Re: Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#4 Post by John Shepherd » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:40 pm

Hi Roger, thanks for the post. The 1/- Chalon is definitely genuine. It is in likelihood a fake postmark applied over a cleaned fiscal. The 6d and 1/-'s were heavily used as revenues so are often found with pen cancellations.

The fake dumb obliterator probably isn't a Jeffrey's cancellation - the bars seem too thick and I am unaware of him applying fake cancellations to genuine stamps.

Other forged cancels I have seen on the forged Jeffrey's 4d Couriers (and offered as genuine!) are: 53 and 57.

Posts: 80
Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#5 Post by RogerKinns » Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:29 pm

John. Thanks for the response. I agree that it's most likely to be a faked cancellation on a genuine stamp, by someone other than Jeffreys. I have just received the Prestige Philately catalogue for Auction 152 on 5 December 2009. I note that your picture is part of the illustration of Lot 441 (a block of 4), which appears on Page 42 and is described as postally used. This seems highly unlikely. Will you be informing the auctioneer? Lot 440 is a block of 10 of the same stamp, described correctly as fiscally used with pen cancels removed.

John Shepherd

Re: Hobart "Dumb" obliterator - fake?

#6 Post by John Shepherd » Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:05 am

The dumb obliterator is indeed not genuine and the item has been withdrawn by the auction house.

It would be useful to create a thread on forged Tasmanian postmarks as there is presently no illustrated reference. The Tasmanian Philatelic Society forgery reference collection was dispersed over 10 years ago and no photocopy of it was kept, against my advice.

There was also a number of forged second allocation numerals carved out of leather about during the 1980s.

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