4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

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4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

#1 Post by admin » Fri May 15, 2020 10:30 pm

Readers of our Journal The Courier will be well aware of the new research into the roller flaws on the 4d Chalons by French TPS member, Laurent Simoni.
Laurent is continuing his study of the production of the plate for the 4d Chalon and is seeking pairs, strips and blocks of any 4d Chalon printing to assist with research.
Laurent is also willing to assist with plating of your 4d Chalons so if you would like to know more about stamps in your collection, please feel free to post images of pairs, stips and blocks here and ask for information about the position and any flaws which might be evident.
So, we seek your assistance in posting any images of 4d Chalon pairs, strips and blocks here.
To contact Laurent use this email or PM him from the Board by going to Quck Links top left, slect letter "S" and look for "songenaz" or email lj_simoni@yahoo.com

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Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

#2 Post by admin » Fri May 15, 2020 10:34 pm

Some 4d Chalons for Laurent's plating study:
4d-Chalons-pair-Star-Wm-3(Numeral-68).jpg (487.25 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-Star-Wm--6.jpg (467.92 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-Star-Wm--5.jpg (473.27 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-Lined-Numeral-4.jpg (403.45 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-lined--numeral.jpg (458.47 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-lined--numeral-12(Numeral-38).jpg (492.61 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons-pair-lined--numeral-1.jpg (326.84 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons--strip-5-Lined-numeral-.jpg (155.27 KiB) Viewed 23896 times
4d-Chalons--strip-3-Star-Watermark-.jpg (340.3 KiB) Viewed 23896 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

#3 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat May 16, 2020 2:57 am

Here are a few more.
Laurent -- I may have sent these to you a few years ago, but these are at a higher resolution.
a Numeral wmk cleaned pen cancel.jpg
a Numeral wmk cleaned pen cancel.jpg (230.11 KiB) Viewed 23891 times
b Numeral wmk.jpg
b Numeral wmk.jpg (387.54 KiB) Viewed 23891 times
c Numeral wmk.jpg
c Numeral wmk.jpg (245.54 KiB) Viewed 23891 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

#4 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat May 16, 2020 4:52 am

Two more.
d Numeral wmk.jpg
d Numeral wmk.jpg (257.77 KiB) Viewed 23889 times
e Numeral wmk.jpg
e Numeral wmk.jpg (200.16 KiB) Viewed 23889 times

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Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

#5 Post by songenaz » Sat May 16, 2020 8:08 am

Many thanks for your post.
It's already great material, Thanks Pete and Jerry.
I can say already :
    Pair Star Watermark with BN 68 (First pair of Pete ) is Row 18, 5 and 6, Position 209 /210

    209 is one of the re-entry
    210 is easyly checked with extra vertical left frame. A great pair with really good example of Roller Flaw # 12
      Pair double Line Watermark with numeral and manuscript both 38 is Row 6 , 6 and 7, Position 66 / 67
      Quite tricky as the top right frame of right stamp has an extra vertical blue line, but it's missing because the top of the stamps is cut
      Extra ink between the two stamps is a good help.
      Here the roller flaws are a poor help. RF #2 is below Pen cancel, almost the same thing with RF# 5.
      More evident RF # 5 on the right stamp.

      Really good start . I am more than happy to share and hope more material is coming to discover new positions.
      I will come back soon for other pairs and bands and also with some of mine.

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #6 Post by songenaz » Tue May 19, 2020 6:52 pm

      Here are some pairs, strips and blocks of Chalons, already plated.
      But happy to have your opinion or questions.
      Double line, Fiscal.jpg
      Double line, Fiscal.jpg (293.79 KiB) Viewed 23821 times
      Row 1/5 and 6, position 5 and 6
      interesting pair with right stamp has Re-entry.

      Even Printing is a bit loose, it still evident to locate the re-entry.
      No Flaws. The two first rows, more or less, has no Roller Flaws, which means it's often a headache to plate them

      Double line 62.jpg
      Double line 62.jpg (233.77 KiB) Viewed 23821 times
      Row 8/10, 11, 12. Position 94, 95, 96 .
      Many Roller Flaws here, but RF 5 is the most evident.
      you can check also the different size of Gutter between stamps. I find this really helpful to confirm position.

      Double line, block of 6.jpg
      Double line, block of 6.jpg (387.3 KiB) Viewed 23821 times
      Double line Watermark

      Row 10/10 to 12, position 118 to 120
      Row 11/ 10 to 12, position 130 to 132

      I bought this nice block from Koichi Sato Collection in 2014 .
      I have a funny story with it ;
      I spent several hours on plating these stamps and failed because of lack of material at this time.
      The printing is quite clear and I thought it would be quite easy. But I failed several times and finally found the answer with the level of the stamps themselves .
      Stamps are never on the same horizontal line in this issue.
      On the top part of the sheet, in the same row, the right stamp is always below the previous one on his left
      On the lower part it's the opposit.
      Well it's not 100% true but quite a good help.
      And on this block , middle of the sheet, you can check, that both stamps in the middle, 119 and 131 are below the level of their neighbours on the right and on the left !
      This is a particular place on the sheet!
      So , you should say: " What is funny?"
      After hours and hours, I found the positions of this block and just before I set it back in my notebook , I had a look on the back and had the surprise to read on back of # 132 a pencil mark: "AK"

      Checking the Purves diagram of the roller flaws, the row 11 with letters is the row K and the letter A is the first one starting from the right!
      because for this row, the impression of the roller was done from the right to the left...

      I should have a look earlier! But more than this story , I have understand that Mr Koichi Sato , or others, had a try on plating with several success...

      Other pairs and strips come soon...

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #7 Post by songenaz » Tue May 19, 2020 7:15 pm

      Back to the previous post of Jerry.
      First strip of Four , named "a numeral Wmk cleaned pen cancel"
      is Row 6/ 9 to 12
      Positions 69/70/71/72
      Quite easy to locate as it's right side of the sheet
      Have a look on the really thin gutter between 171 and 172 and you should understand why it'so difficult sometimes to find perfect example of Chalons issue

      Second strip of Jerry named " b Numeral Wmk"
      The pair with numeral cancel 74 is Row 11/1 and 2, positions 121/122.
      Left side of the sheet.
      Position 121 is one of the rare example without Roller flaws. Most them are situated on row 1 and 2
      Extra ink left of #121, in the gutter is a good help.
      Also #122 is with Roller Flaw #11 and the cancel left this part really clean. we are lucky!

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #8 Post by songenaz » Sun May 24, 2020 11:00 pm

      new chalons blocks and strips
      4 double line block of four.jpg
      4 double line block of four.jpg (384.84 KiB) Viewed 23676 times
      Block of four numerals watermark.
      Row 15/11 and 12
      Row 16/11 and 12

      positions 179/180 191/192

      Roller Flaw 12 and 14

      few things are really good help for plating.
      Narrow space between 179 and 180, around 0.4 mm instead of 1 mm between 191 and 192

      Also the extra blue ink left of 191.

      But the main information is the weakness of the second bottom square on the right of each stamps. this detail is quite common on most of the right side of the sheet!
      Strip of four BN 20.jpg
      Strip of four BN 20.jpg (220.6 KiB) Viewed 23676 times
      Nice strip of Four , numerals watermark

      Roller Flaw 2 / 5 / 6

      This amazing strip is from row 5/8 to 11
      position 56/57/58/59.

      I do not know why, but left upper frame is really fuzzy, with extra blue ink .
      These left frames are never well defined. Only position 56 has a correct defined left line

      Also one more detail but not really shown on this strip: position 57 has extra ink above right eye of the Queen.

      I am looking for star watermark example of this strip to check if it's in different state...
      Do not hesitate to ask or comment on these stamps

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #9 Post by songenaz » Tue May 26, 2020 6:35 am

      Back to the stamps of Pete,
      the third pair of his post, Numeral Cancel 60, named 4d-Chalons-pair-Star-Wm--5, is from Row 10/ 7 and 8
      positions 115/116
      As this pair is cut really short and outside frame are not available, it's quite tricky to find
      Only two things give enough information.
      First, Roller Flaw #10 tell us it's Row 10 and then the space between the two stamps;
      the gutter between 115 and 116 is really parallel, quite large and with a little blue cloud in the middle...
      Stamps with wide margins shows other detail making plating easier!

      I have to apologise for delay on plating these pairs and strips, But some of them are from fuzzy print and also with Star Watermark , it's quite a problem...

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #10 Post by songenaz » Tue May 26, 2020 7:01 am

      Back to the second Post of Jerry
      Strip of four with Port Arthur, Manuscript cancel, is from Row 14 /5 to 8
      Position 161 / 162 / 163 / 164.

      A great strip quite clear from Numeral Watermark.
      Here the roller Flaw #12 is at his beginning.
      There is no blue ink on the R.
      Also the last 3 stamps of the strip are at the same level , as the first one is clearly below.
      Confirmed also with extra ink in the gutter between 161 and 162, and also between 162 and 163

      And then Last but not least , there is a typical blue circle at the bottom left of 164 which is definitely the main flaw for position 164.

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #11 Post by songenaz » Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:05 pm

      I recently purchased this Block of Four at Tasmania Stamp Auction. Ross is always a good help to keep going on Chalon's plating. It's a double line four Watermark, printing is quite clear with fiscal cancel 1868. Probably Government printing , always more clear than previous printing with double line watermark.
      block of four LR.jpg
      block of four LR.jpg (368.77 KiB) Viewed 23167 times
      Roller flaw #12 is quite obvious but this flaw appeared on 106 positions on the sheet.
      so : it's the most common flaw and also it's kind of no help to find his own place

      But there 's a thin blue line right of the lower right stamp who gives information .
      This kind of clear blue line is always on side of the sheet.
      Sadly the back of the stamp do not provide parallel lines ... but I can confirm with the excess ink , left of higher left stamp, that this block is coming from lower right corner of the sheet.
      Position 227 / 228
      239 / 240

      And in this case two more new position for me.

      I ask you again , if you want to help me, to scan your pairs and strips on the board.
      Thanks for your help

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #12 Post by songenaz » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:43 pm

      Hi all.
      A recent purchase of this great strip of 6, four double line watermark, manuscript pen cancel at port Arthur.
      chalons strip 6, 169@174.jpg
      chalons strip 6, 169@174.jpg (113.46 KiB) Viewed 21207 times
      Probably from Government printing with obvious roller Flaw 10 on each stamps.
      The main information is the re-entry on the last stamp, on far right which is position 174.
      The ear ring is really white , like also the right part of the crown .

      On the same position , note the unclear left frame which is also a feature of this re-entry.

      On the same strip, the first stamp, left one, position 169, R15/1, you can notice the extra frame from the stamp below, just arriving below the right square.
      A fantastic strip.

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #13 Post by songenaz » Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:07 pm

      I want to wish great Christmas to every one.
      Hopefully next year will be better than 2020.

      Another image for Chalons Plating

      As the printing is really poor, I had trouble to locate the place in the sheet:
      Chalon  Row 5 et 6.jpg
      Chalon Row 5 et 6.jpg (28.49 KiB) Viewed 21109 times
      Again a good help is the alignment of different stamps.
      When the right stamps is below the precedent one , it comes usually from the top of the sheet.
      Also , but difficult to spot there's the roller flaw#2 on several stamps

      With also extra ink on the right of upper right stamp, this block of 6 belongs to row 5 and 6
      Position 49/50/51 and 61/62/63.
      Even the printing is fuzzy, it's one more step on plating Chalons

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      Re: 4d Chalon -Roller Flaws Census and plating

      #14 Post by songenaz » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:39 am

      here is another block of 9 from the the bottom left corner . 4 Double line Watermark.
      Position 205/207
      Few things:
      there's a handstamp on the back from Launceston commercial Bank.
      it's stated to be the earliest recorded fiscal usage, October 6, 1863.
      Block of 9 , earliest date recorded.jpg
      Block of 9 , earliest date recorded.jpg (402.51 KiB) Viewed 9489 times
      But the main information is on the position 207, Row 1 , position 3, on this block .
      This stamp is maybe one of the most difficult to plate as there's only the roller Flaw and nothing else.

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