Wanted - Lithographed 2d Pictorials

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Jerry Weirich
Posts: 376
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:35 pm
Location: Virginia, USA

Wanted - 2d Lithographed Pictorials

#1 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:24 am

I'm looking for blocks, strips, pairs, or any other multiple of the 2d lithographed pictorials for a plating study. There were 28 lithographed plates--22 used with the V over Crown watermarked paper and 6 used with the Crown over A watermarked paper. I need the multples to assist with the actual positioning of the printing and plate flaws.

I have completed Plates 1 and 6. I have made significant progress with Plates 2 (missing positions are in rows 3, 4, and 5) and 5 (need less than 6 positions). Good progress on Plates 9, 27, and 28. But lots of help required for the remaining plates. Interestingly, I probably have identified most of the flaws on Plates 23 and 24 on single stamps (because I have almost the full 120 required) but just need the multiples to determine how they fit together.

I'm willing to buy any of this material. If you don't want to part with the material, I would love to examine the material for the plating information. I can attest that another member of this bulletin board loaned me his material to examine and it was instrmental in the progress made on plates 5 and 6; including determining that the descriptions in K.E. Lancaster's excellent book of the plate flaws on the bottom stamps of plates 5 and 6 are reversed (i.e., what is described for 5 is really 6 and vice versa).

If you can help, please let me know. Also, if there is anyone else out there that shares my passion for plating the 2d lithographs, I would love to hear from you. It's fairly lonely!

THANKS!!! Jerry

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