Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#226 Post by BJs » Sun May 19, 2024 2:12 pm

another 1/- Chalon looks double print no Wmk. found
tas253.jpg (77.86 KiB) Viewed 5086 times
Last edited by BJs on Fri May 24, 2024 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#227 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon May 20, 2024 7:20 am

"Pioneer Stamps" of QLD, Australia has listed more 1d and 4d Courier forgeries on eBay. Both items are shown with genuine Chalons. It appears that the Australian forgery gang sellers are beginning to list their forgeries more frequently with genuine stamps, probably as an enticement to sell. Continue to be vigilant!
1d Courier forgery 37.jpg
1d Courier forgery 37.jpg (74.82 KiB) Viewed 5076 times
4d Courier forgery 37.jpg
4d Courier forgery 37.jpg (86.44 KiB) Viewed 5076 times
In addition, "one-stop-stamp-shop" of Sydney, NSW, Australia has listed on eBay a forged 1d Chalon with a forged cancel. Genuine unwatermarked 1d Chalons exist, but not in this shade, and not with oval Tasmania cancels which came into use many years after the genuine no watermark Chalons were used. The cancel does resemble a genuine duplex, but this one is a forgery.
1d Chalon forgery 5, forged cancel.jpg
1d Chalon forgery 5, forged cancel.jpg (104.88 KiB) Viewed 5076 times
"maumack-59" of Portree, UK has listed two postal-fiscal stamps with forged cancels. One forgery is Launceston with a code of A14. The second forgery is Hobart with what appears to be a code of 8 and probably another character. The 8 is off center from Hobart making me believe there is another character in the forged cancel. Genuine code 8 has been seen on some CDS cancels, but not with other characters. See TPS BB post of 8 Feb 2024 for more postal-fiscal cancel forgeries.
cancel forgery A14 code.jpg
cancel forgery A14 code.jpg (154.34 KiB) Viewed 5076 times
cancel forgery 8(-) code.jpg
cancel forgery 8(-) code.jpg (146.51 KiB) Viewed 5076 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#228 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu May 30, 2024 11:30 pm

Two sellers associated with the Australian forgery gang -- "pioneerstamps" of QLD, Australia and "moonman143" of NSW, Australia -- have listed more bad items on eBay. "pioneerstamps" listed the used group below with two forged 4d Couriers, a forged 2d Chalon, and a forged 29 cancel on the perforated 1/ Chalon (most likely indicating fiscal usage). The other four items appear genuine, but all have faults. "moonman143" listed the unused group below with three forged Specimen overprints and what appears to be a cleaned perforated 1/ Chalon.
various forgeries.jpg
various forgeries.jpg (128.11 KiB) Viewed 4995 times
Specimen forgeries & fiscal usage.jpg
Specimen forgeries & fiscal usage.jpg (75.81 KiB) Viewed 4995 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#229 Post by Jerry Weirich » Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:50 pm

"pioneerstamps" of QLD, Australia--an eBay seller associated with the Australian forgery gang--has listed a forged 1d Courier on eBay for at least the second time. The first time that I saw the forgery was in a group with two stamps listed on Ebay in May. See TPS BB post of 20 May 2024 for the earlier reporting. I am glad the item did not sell, and let's try to keep it that way.
1d Courier forgery 38.jpg
1d Courier forgery 38.jpg (19.48 KiB) Viewed 4855 times

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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#230 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:04 pm

A forged SPECIMEN overprint on a 5-shilling postal fiscal. The eBay seller is "one-stop-stamp-shop" of NSW, Australia.
Specimen forgery on 5 shilling postal fiscal.jpg
Specimen forgery on 5 shilling postal fiscal.jpg (123.31 KiB) Viewed 4519 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#231 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:08 am

More Specimen forgeries on eBay from the NSW forgers. These items are listed by "collectablestamps_9" of NSW, Australia. The 3d was previously listed on eBay by "moonman143" of NSW. Australia (see TPS BB post of 30 May 2024). Both of these sellers are associated with the forgery gang.
Specimen forgeries 4.jpg
Specimen forgeries 4.jpg (54.37 KiB) Viewed 4243 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#232 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:47 am

We have another eBay seller that appears to be associated with the NSW forgery gang. The seller id is "classic-stamps" of QLD, Australia. The item in question is a genuine 1d electro pictorial that is damaged but being othered as a plate flaw. This same item was previously offered by "seela-64" (see TPS BB post of 5 June 2023) and by "moomstamps-24" (see TPS BB post of 16 November 2023). Both of these sellers are associated with the forgery gang. I also visited this new seller's website and saw many stamps that I thought were forgeries from other Australian colonies and Commonwealth issues, particularly perfins and overprinted items. I recommend being very careful buying any items from these sellers.
damaged 1d electro.jpg
damaged 1d electro.jpg (159.11 KiB) Viewed 4177 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#233 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:49 am

Two new forgeries on eBay from Europe. The first is an old-time 2d Chalon forgery. Similar forgeries have been reported here on the TPS in the past. The seller is "LEBARONROUGE" of Namur, Belgium. The second forgery is more interesting because it appears to be a genuine SPECIMEN overprint on a 5-shilling Keyplate but with a forged OS perfin. It appears that someone tried to remove the SPECIMEN overprint. The seller of this forgery is "kojo170694" of Wemeldinge, Netherlands.
2d Chalon forgery 9.jpg
2d Chalon forgery 9.jpg (55.46 KiB) Viewed 3770 times
5s Keyplate OS forgery.jpg
5s Keyplate OS forgery.jpg (260.08 KiB) Viewed 3770 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#234 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:42 pm

Another forgery of the 1d Courier is listed on eBay by a seller associated with the Australian forgery gang. The forgery is now being listed by "collectablestamps_9" of NSW, Australia. The same forgery was previously listed by "masterxroshi' of Punchbowl, NSW, Australia (see TPS BB post of 15 May 2024) who is also an eBay seller associated with the forgery gang. The poor-quality scan is a typical ploy to hide details of the item.
1d Courier forgery 41.jpg
1d Courier forgery 41.jpg (8.24 KiB) Viewed 3735 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#235 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:47 pm

Forgery gang member "collectablestamps_9" has listed another 4d Courier forgery on eBay. This time on an alleged unaddressed cover. The cancel is also a forgery made by the same forgery gang.
4d Courier forgery 43.jpg
4d Courier forgery 43.jpg (20.88 KiB) Viewed 3583 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#236 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:31 am

More REPRINT forgeries (stamps and overprints) have been listed on eBay by "moonman143" of NSW, Australia. This seller is associated with the forgery gang and similar REPRINT forgeries have been offered previously by other sellers associated with the same forgery gang including "bluewonder143", "niftystamps111", and "collectablestamps_9" all with listed locations of NSW, Australia. Be careful buying anything from these sellers.
Chalons REPRINT forgeries.jpg
Chalons REPRINT forgeries.jpg (37.51 KiB) Viewed 3446 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#237 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:36 pm

Forgery gang member "moonman143" of NSW, Australia has listed on eBay a 1d Chalon forgery. This same forgery was previously listed by other forgery gang sellers "mightystamps-1" of NSW, Australia (see TPS BB post of 23 Jan 2024) and before that by "stampswunder" of NSW, Australia (see TPS BB post of 1 Oct 2023). This continues the practice of moving their forgeries around different seller names in an attempt to snare an unsuspecting collector.
1d Chalon forgery 6.jpg
1d Chalon forgery 6.jpg (19.29 KiB) Viewed 3018 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#238 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:23 am

Forgery gang member "moonman143" of NSW, Australia is selling on eBay more forged SPECIMEN overprints on Sideface issues. Don't fall victim to the alleged double overprint on the 9d.
SPECIMEN forgery 9d Sideface.jpg
SPECIMEN forgery 9d Sideface.jpg (10.88 KiB) Viewed 2713 times
SPECIMEN forgeries 1d,2d Sideface.jpg
SPECIMEN forgeries 1d,2d Sideface.jpg (17.5 KiB) Viewed 2713 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#239 Post by Jerry Weirich » Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:23 pm

Forgery gang member "moonman143" of NSW, Australia is selling on eBay more forged items. This time one of their typical forgeries of the 4d Courier and a forgery of the 2d Chalon. The 2d Chalon forgery was previously offered by another forgery gang member "pioneerstamps" of QLD, Australia (see TPS BB post of 30 May 2024).
In addition, "moonman143" has relisted on eBay two Sideface stamps with forged SPECIMEN overprints (see TPS BB post of 18 August 2024). Not rescanned here.
forgeries.jpg (16.05 KiB) Viewed 2032 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#240 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:57 pm

There is now another seller for which we need to be wary--"prestigestamps" of SA, Australia. This seller has listed on eBay a group of the forged Chalons with forged REPRINT overprints. These dubs are the same ones sold by the Australian forgery gang under numerous seller names (see TPS BB post of 6 August 2024 for one of the posts). I visited the seller's website which showed a number of genuine stamps but also dubious OS perfins on Commonwealth material. I am not yet declaring this seller a member of the gang, but I do recommend that everyone be careful buying from this seller since he is selling the gang's forgeries.
REPRINT forgeries.jpg
REPRINT forgeries.jpg (91.16 KiB) Viewed 1743 times
In addition, "YHStamps2020" of London, UK continues to post his forgeries. The seller has posted more Chalon forgeries (shown here) and another 1£ Keyplate (not reshown here). If you want genuine stamps, do not buy from this seller. Everything appears to be forgeries (what the seller calls reproductions).
forgeries from yhstamps2020.jpg
forgeries from yhstamps2020.jpg (198.79 KiB) Viewed 1743 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#241 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:57 pm

Below is a 1/ Chalon that was fiscally used, cleaned, and a fake cancel applied. I can just see portions of the remaining pen marks. However, the fake cancel is a dead giveaway. I have posted this to specifically show another type of fake cancel. The seller is Albion Stamps of Dallas, Texas, US. The seller listed this item on eBay with several other genuine items, so I suspect this seller doesn't know the actual situation with this item.
1 shilling fiscal use, fake cancel.jpg
1 shilling fiscal use, fake cancel.jpg (64.91 KiB) Viewed 1622 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#242 Post by Jerry Weirich » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:04 am

There is a new type of 1£ Keyplate forgery listed on eBay from seller "tobaktec" of Boutencourt, France. The seller does describe it and everything he sells (from his website) as reproductions, but these items could end up eventually being offered as genuine. Good to know what they look like now.
1£  Keyplate forgery 2.jpg
1£ Keyplate forgery 2.jpg (155 KiB) Viewed 1177 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#243 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:00 pm

More forgeries from "tobaktec" of Boutencourt, France. See also previous post.
4d Sideface forgeries.jpg
4d Sideface forgeries.jpg (142.12 KiB) Viewed 823 times
Courier forgeries 2.jpg
Courier forgeries 2.jpg (131.54 KiB) Viewed 823 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#244 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:19 am

And even more forgeries from "tobatec" of Boutencourt, France. This time the Chalons in different shades. Looks like he will be forging all the classics.
Chalon forgeries (tobatec).jpg
Chalon forgeries (tobatec).jpg (161.59 KiB) Viewed 756 times
Chalon forgeries 2 (tobatec).jpg
Chalon forgeries 2 (tobatec).jpg (167.16 KiB) Viewed 756 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#245 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:15 pm

The Australian forgery gang is active! "moonman143" of NSW, Australia has listed on eBay five blocks of forged Chalons with forged REPRINT overprints. In addition, "collectablestamps_9" of NSW, Australia has re-listed on eBay the unaddressed envelope with forged 4d Courier with forged cancel and a forged 1d Courier also with forged cancel (these duds not rescanned here but see TPS BB posts of 24 July and 1 August 2024 for scans of these items).
REPRINT forgeries 2d sage green block4.jpg
REPRINT forgeries 2d sage green block4.jpg (147.75 KiB) Viewed 334 times
REPRINT forgeries 6d blue grey block4.jpg
REPRINT forgeries 6d blue grey block4.jpg (130.87 KiB) Viewed 334 times
REPRINT forgeries 6d grey block4.jpg
REPRINT forgeries 6d grey block4.jpg (112.78 KiB) Viewed 334 times
REPRINT forgeries 6d red lilac block4.jpg
REPRINT forgeries 6d red lilac block4.jpg (126.31 KiB) Viewed 334 times
REPRINT forgeries 1s pink block4.jpg
REPRINT forgeries 1s pink block4.jpg (33.61 KiB) Viewed 334 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#246 Post by Jerry Weirich » Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:32 am

A new type of fake cancel on a 1d Chalon (probably fiscally used but I'm hard pressed to find any obvious pen marks, might be one through queen's eye in line with the black ink marks but not positive). The item is scanned here to show the fake cancel. The eBay seller is "Royal Coin and Stamp" of Amarillo, Texas.
1d with fake cancel 64.jpg
1d with fake cancel 64.jpg (104.73 KiB) Viewed 97 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#247 Post by Jerry Weirich » Thu Sep 12, 2024 5:54 am

"moonman143" of NSW, Australia has re-listed on eBay two forgeries--a 4d Courier and 2d Chalon--both products of the Australian forgery gang. The last time we saw these particular duds was on 24 August 2024. I'm happy that collectors are not buying this trash. Continue to be vigilant.
forgeries 2.jpg
forgeries 2.jpg (15.98 KiB) Viewed 91 times

Jerry Weirich
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Re: Forgeries and Facsimiles seen on Online Auction Sites, etc

#248 Post by Jerry Weirich » Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:47 am

Two old-time forgeries are listed on eBay--a 1/ Chalon and a 2d Chalon. The 1/ forgery is from seller "" of Adeliade, Australia and scanned below. The 2d forgery is a relisted item from seller "LEROUGEBARON" of Namur, Belgium and can be seen on TPS BB post of 5 April 2024 (page 10).
1s Chalon forgery 12.jpg
1s Chalon forgery 12.jpg (109.81 KiB) Viewed 25 times

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